The GA is the supreme organ of the Association, it consists of delegates from the national associations. The GA votes on simple majority basis.
The General Assembly meets at least once a year, having been convened by the Executive Committee. The Annual General Meeting of TI is organised on the same occasion.
The Active Members from an affiliated country, whether or not a National Group exists, have the following number of votes:
• up to 50 vehicles = 1 vote
• 51 - 100 vehicles = 2 votes
• 101 - 150 vehicles = 3 votes
• over 150 vehicles = 4 votes
(a) amend and approve the statutes following proposals of the Executive Committee;
(b) dissolve the Association;
(c) propose, elect and dismiss the members of the Executive Committee;
(d) The Presidents of the CCT and the FCI are elected by their respective plenaries and need the approval of the GA;
(e) elect Honorary Presidents who are previous presidents of the TI GA;
(f) discuss and approve annual budgets and accounts;
(f) the admission, election and, where applicable, the exclusion of members;
(g) taking sanctions against a National Group and/or members which do not comply with their obligations under the statutes;
(h) the approval of the annual reports of the Association, the FCI and the CCT;
(i) the fixing of the membership fees;
(j) approving TI’s active or passive membership of other organizations.
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